Thermoplastic tag in polyamid 6.6, with a galvanized wire
This item is available with 2 sized of tags : 30 x 50mm, with an adjustable cable length ( 120 or 250 mm) and 50 x 60 mm, with a 250 mm long non adjustable cable.
Its tensile strength is 15 kg. It was first conceived to tie shoes.
It is available in stock in red, yellow and frosted. In blue or green from 3000 pcs.
It can be personalized with a name, a consecutive numbering or a logo, by lasermarking or hotfoiling.
Conditionning : 1000 pcs carton
30/50 cable 120 : 30 x 40 x 30 mm
30/50 cable 250 : 60 x 40 x 30 mm
50/60 cable 250 : 60 x 40 x 30 mm
Free samples on request